Safety Resources

Sections 32280-32288 of the California Education Code outline the requirements of all schools operating any
kindergarten and any grades 1 to 12, inclusive, to write and develop a Comprehensive School Safety Plan relevant to the needs and resources of that particular school.

Small school districts (less than 2500 ADA), are required to submit one public plan (CSSP -  Part I Public Components) that encompasses all schools in the district and contains information that is appropriate to share with the general public.  Additionally, each school is required to complete an internal plan (CSSP - Part II Internal Components) which contains confidential information and, therefore, is not available to the general public.

SVUSD 2022-23 Comprehensive School Safety Plan - Part I Public Components

Santa Cruz County Threat Assessment Protocol


Emergency and Safety Resources (flyers):

Community and Emergency Notifications

Emergency - "Ready, Set, Go" Checklist and Information