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Winter/Spring 2024  Parent Training Series and Informational Nights                                   

Parents and guardians are invited to the 2023-24 Parent Training Series and Informational Nights hosted by SVUSD and community partners. Our Fall classes were well received, and parents who participated not only enjoyed the classes they took away new information. 

Please see the descriptions below of our Winter/Spring 2024 series with Roni Habib.  Roni comes to us with an extensive background in:         

  •   Parenting
  •   Education
  •   Motivational Speaking
  •   Fields of Emotional Intelligence
  •   Positive Psychology
  •   Mindfulness
  •   Leadership Development
  •   Neuroscience

This 3-part series is meant to go together, but you DO NOT have to participate in all three evenings to benefit.  Each night will offer its stand-alone information. 

These parent trainings are of no cost to you and are intended to be parent-only.  

On-site childcare is available upon request when you register for the classes.  


*Night One: Explore the Parenting Journey Through the Lens of Self:  Practical Parenting Tools in Stressful Times

  • Thursday, January 18th, 2024, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
  • Scotts Valley Middle School Theater

We all want our children to be happy, more peaceful, and better able to handle their stresses and those of their friends and peers.  The best way for them to learn these skills is through watching their role models practice them – that’s us! In our time together, we will:

  • Explore how we can help our children by upping our own game in handling stress.
  • Discuss questions such as:        
    • What are my triggers as a parent?
    • How can I respond to my child effectively instead of reacting and creating distance?
    • Given the demands we face, how do I get the parenting job done more joyfully?
    • How can I show up for my child's stressful situations by understanding what is happening without being pulled into a downward spiral?

Get set for an engaging session that will be challenging but fun and equip you with practical tools to enhance your daily parenting journey! Register HERE


**Night Two:  Explore the Parenting Journey Through the Lens of the Family Unit 

  • Thursday, March 21st, 2024 @ 6:00 - 8:00 PM
  • Scotts Valley Middle School Theater

Parenting is no easy task. Power struggles, peer or sibling conflicts, and a lack of cooperation are only a few of the many challenging situations parents face daily. In this session, you will learn four ways to respond to your children when they are in distress and get tools that allow them to feel seen and understood by you.

You’ll also learn about research-based, practical skills to get more cooperation from your children! This session will be highly interactive, so get ready to have fun and get practical tools to support your day-to-day parenting experience. Register HERE


***Night Three:  Explore the Parenting Journey Through the Lens of an SVUSD and SV Community Member

  • Thursday, April 18th, 2024 @ 6:00 - 8:00 PM
  • Scotts Valley Middle School Theater

This session will explore how strengthening our emotional intelligence and communication skills strengthens our Scotts Valley Community and brings us closer together as parents. These skills support us in having meaningful conversations with our children at home and important conversations in our schools and district. These skills lead us to engage in healthy disagreements when necessary and to recognize that the strength of our relationships and community is not dependent on always being in agreement. This session will be interactive, practical, and packed with great strategies. Register HERE



Parent Series and Informational Nights                                   

Parents and guardians are invited to the 2023-24 Parent Series and Informational Nights hosted by SVUSD and community partners.  Expert speakers will cover relevant topics for parenting children of all ages.  These informational nights will be held throughout the school year and cover social media, internet safety, mental well-being, deregulation & co-regulation, and much more.  Please see the descriptions of our FALL 2023 series below.  These parent trainings are of no cost to you and are intended to be parent-only unless otherwise stated.  

Registration required.


On October 19th, SVUSD’s School Resource Officer Detective Ahrens will lead a parent-only hands-on training using the Vigilant Parent Initiative. iPads will be distributed to the class so parents can learn about parental controls, navigating social media to monitor usage, and understanding key concepts to keep their children safe from online predators.  This is a must-class for any parents with children accessing the internet.  Please join us at 6:00 p.m. at Scotts Valley Middle School.  Childcare will be provided on-site. Please RSVP HERE for Childcare.  

Mental Health First Aid Certification is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.  Individuals (18 years or older) who complete the course will be Mental Health First Aid certified; however, this course is a 6.5-hour long course, and individuals must attend the entire session to be completely certified.

 Individuals trained in the program:

1.    Increase their knowledge of signs, symptoms, and risk factors of mental health and substance use challenges.

2.    Can identify multiple types of professional and self-help resources for individuals with a mental health or substance use challenge.

3.    Show reduced stigma and increased empathy toward individuals with mental health challenges.

4.    Increase their confidence and likelihood to help an individual in distress.

5.    Use the skills and information they learn in MHFA to manage their own mental well-being.

Saturday, November 4th, 8:30-3:00 at Scotts Valley Middle School. Because this class involves ordering curriculum and supplies (at no charge to you) and has limited seating, we must ask for RSVPs. Please reserve your seat on this Google Form.

More parent training opportunities will be offered throughout the winter and spring.  Please stay tuned for more information on those upcoming nights.