PARENT TRAINING: Please join us for our third and final night with Roni to Explore the Parenting Journey Through the Lens of an SVUSD and SV Community Member on April 18th at 6:00 pm in the SVMS Theater.

LOTS OF SOCKS! On March 21st wear a pair of mismatched socks or your craziest and most colorful socks, whatever takes your fancy! The idea is to start a conversation so that when people ask about your socks, you can tell them, “I’m wearing them to raise awareness of Down Syndrome.”

MARCH 21ST PARENT TRAINING. Please join us for another Parent Information Night with Roni Habib titled, Explore the Parenting Journey Through the Lens of the Family Unit. Parenting is no easy task. Power struggles, peer or sibling conflicts, and a lack of cooperation are only a few of the many challenging situations parents face daily. In this session, you will learn four ways to respond to your children when they are in distress and get tools that allow them to feel seen and understood by you. You will also learn about research-based, practical skills to get more cooperation from your children! This session will be highly interactive, so get ready to have fun and get practical tools to support your day-to-day parenting experience. For more information and to register click on Parent/Guardian Info, then choose Parent Training Series & Information Nights

DISABILITIES AWARENESS MONTH. In March we seek to celebrate and recognize people with disabilities and explore how we honor and include people of all abilities throughout the month. Please look at different events happening at our school sites to promote inclusion and belonging in celebrating each other's different abilities.

MARCH IS WOMEN IN HISTORY MONTH. Our schools and district will be celebrating the accomplishments of so many wonderful women in our rich history.

NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK is February 5th-9th. We would like to give a heartfelt thank you to this dedicated group. All four schools have counselors who care deeply for their students. They provide safe places for students to learn about everything from big emotions to exploring their future. They give an empathetic ear in times of need and promote inclusivity and kindness for all. We are so grateful for them!

BLACK HISTORY MONTH. February 1st marked the first day of Black History Month. Scotts Valley Unified School District recognizes and celebrates the history and contributions of African American citizens who have been consistently overlooked and undervalued in the curriculum of public education institutions.

COLLEGE & CAREER. October is College & Career Readiness Month. A variety of fun and engaging activities are planned for the month and throughout the school year to support students’ focus on their future after high school.

LGBTQIA+ HISTORY MONTH. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally. It is important to recognize the historical contributions of all individuals.

SAFETY AWARENESS MONTH. October is safety awareness month. Thursday, October 19th is The Great Shake Out; our sites will be practicing an earthquake drill on this day. Please remember to DROP!, COVER!, and HOLD ON!

PARENT TRAINING. The District is offering a parent training series and informational nights this school year. For information on the first two trainings check out the link here:
Additionally, we will be offering a three-part parent series in the spring. Stay tuned .

WEBSITE REDESIGN. The District is excited to announce the redesign of our district website. The new and improved website has a cleaner, more attractive design and prioritizes the most frequently used content. Our district strives to make information about our school district accessible to all members of our school community. Pardon our dust as we are finalizing this transition.

APPLICANTS WANTED. The DEIB Committee has a few spots open this fall for parents/guardians interested in furthering the work the Committee has started. Our district continues focusing on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). As part of this work, we have a DEIB Steering Committee whose current membership includes school and district leadership, staff, parents, and guardians (of currently enrolled students in our district), and board members. If you are interested in applying to be a part of this group, please contact the Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Alex Friel, at afriel@scottsvalleyusd.org.

CELEBRATE HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH. Hispanic Heritage recognition began in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week. In 1988, it was expanded by President Ronald Reagan to cover a thirty-day period and was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.

CELEBRATE SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. September is Attendance Awareness Month and a good time to remind students and families of the importance of regular attendance. Regularly attending school is foundational for student success, starting as early as preschool or kindergarten. Attending school regularly helps children to thrive academically, build relationships, feel safe and connected, and feel supported with their mental well-being.
We miss the students when they are not here.

Bullying Prevention and Resources - https://www.scottsvalleyusd.org/o/svusd/page/bullying-prevention-and-resources

Bullying -
Regulation - https://tinyurl.com/bdfzv5d9
Policy - https://tinyurl.com/y8r6pama

Hate Motivated Behavior Policy - https://tinyurl.com/5yvnr8dv

LCAP and Budget Overview for Parents 2022-23 - https://tinyurl.com/2v2wtv88

Nondiscrimination/Harassment -
Regulation - https://tinyurl.com/4ajhfc5f -
Policy - https://tinyurl.com/3jpu4t9d